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Wildlife Trade

WHAT EXACTLY IS WILDLIFE TRADE? It is the buying and selling of products derived from animals/plants. it is a major threat to various wildlife species.

There are several CAUSES that leads to Wildlife trade, such as:

1.Excess of demand and usage Products derived from wildlife trade are used in making medicines and also various household products. They are extremely essential in each and every sphere of life.

2.Existence of greed (desire to earn more money) We all know that greed is something that makes us do things that we wouldn’t usually do. But trading in wildlife is something that just crosses all the limits. For example; In 2014, the price of a rhino horn was estimated to be a minimum of $60,000 per kilogram, in the black market.

3.Lack of strict laws to protect the wildlife As there is a lack of strict laws to protect the wildlife, such people are not held liable for their heartless actions and are thus, able to get away with everything that they do. Therefore, it can be said that the law for illegal wildlife trade is very lenient.


1.Imposing a ban on wildlife illegally traded If all the countries impose a ban on such a trade, this would result in the reduction of demand and thus the trade as well. If there is no demand for a commodity then its pretty obvious that there would be no supply too.

2.The Environment Protection Act, 1986 The Environment protection act of 1986 states that any person who does not follow the rules and regulations as mentioned in the act would be imprisoned for up to 5 years and would also have to face a fine of RS.1,00,000.

3.Involve common people Involving as many common people as possible would be very beneficial as that would mean more social campaigns being started by them such as “SAVE THE TIGER.” It has helped a lot in reducing poaching.

These are a few links that you can visit in order to help by donating:

  • ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network

  • International Fund for Animal Welfare

  • TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network

  • Species Survival Network


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